We’re Moving Out: Friday Fictioneers

It wasn’t easy, but Jenna and Steve somehow managed.  School all day, working evenings. She a waitress.  Him delivering Amazon packages. 

We're Moving Out. A 100 word story for Friday Fictioneers.
Photo Prompt for Friday Fictioneers by Roger Bultot

83 year old Jim was her regular customer and neighbour. Every evening as Jenna busily waited tables, she’d always spend some time with Jim.  They learned the hardships and joyful stories of each others lives.

One night Jim left Jenna an old lottery ticket as a tip.

Jenna kicked the door open and ran up the stairs screaming.  “We won, we won!”  “Pack your bags Jim, we’re going on a vacation, and then we’re moving out of this place.”

100 words

It’s been a while, but yeh! I made it this week. Hope you are all doing well and are ready for the arrival of spring as I am.

Friday Fictioneers is a place for flash fiction brought to us by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Visit Rochelle’s site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story.