Post It Notes and Freedom

Have you ever used a Post-It note?  You know those little colourful squares that you can write on and stick anywhere?  One of man’s greatest inventions.

If you’re like me you’ve used these little stickies as reminders to yourself or others, placed them along pages in a file folder, written little instructions and stuck them on the fridge for your children.  Or perhaps you’ve received a little love note from your husband stuck to the gear shift in the car.  Maybe you’ve stuck one for yourself on the bathroom mirror as a form of motivation or a reminder to stay with your goals.

Post-It notes are prolific and diverse.  But one use of them recently was gratifyingly beautiful.

I have always felt blessed to live in Niagara.  Having moved to this beautiful region over two decades ago, I count my blessing every single day. 

This beautiful region has so much to offer and is home to all the things we seek around the world.  It houses incredible people, natural wonders, world renowned wineries, the exquisite bounty of nature, excellent educational institutions, and I learned recently, an outstanding health system in Niagara Health.

As vaccines are thankfully becoming more prevalent due to the increased supply in Canada, I took my turn to attend the Hannah Seymour Arena in St. Catharines to get my shot.  And what a wonderful experience it was. 

The entire process moved so quickly and efficiently it was astounding.  Frontline workers who attended to all the vaccine recipients moved precisely, but with such joy and friendliness it elevated the experience.

After you get your shot, you are to sit for fifteen minutes to ensure there are no bad reactions and you are given some papers to read along with a sticky note and pen.  You can use this Post-It note to write a note to the workers here and stick them on the walls.

Let me tell you that the gratitude is palpable in the air and there are thousands of these colourful little squares covering the walls of the arena.  All are filled with various forms of gratitude to the men and women who have made this happen for all of us.  Some are funny, some just offer a thank you with a smiley face, others a whole paragraph of gratitude.  What a fantastic idea Niagara Health!

Post It Notes and Freedom. A thank you to Niagara Health.

Of course, I wrote mine.  I am so grateful for having my shot and being tended to by the incredible men and women of Niagara Health.  Thank you!

I know we, everywhere around the world,  are all grateful to receive our shots.  It means that the pandemic will soon be behind us and more freedoms will open up to us.  This means more travel, more winery visits, and more enjoying all the joyful natural wonders of our world.

I can’t wait.  How about you?

I hope you are all well and are on the road towards freedom also.  If you were to write a Post-It note what would yours say?  Here’s mine.

Post It Notes and Freedom. A thank you to Niagara Health.